Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Are College Girls' Bodies Still Developing?

     Apparently, college students don't actually gain 15 pounds their freshmen year. The typical weight gain for a female is more like 3.2 pounds. And a major contributing factor for that weight gain is likely the change in lifestyle.
     But there's another important factor to consider. I've always heard that girls don't grow in height after a young age. One commonly cited stopping point is three years after your first period. I was about 5'4" then, and last year I discovered I had hit 5'5"! (Which definitely made my day.)
     We also often hear that our bodies stop developing their curvy shape after a certain age as well. I've heard that breasts stop growing after age 17 or 18. That's not true in my case as well. I'm a full cup size bigger now (and it's not due to weight gain; I weigh less).
     My hips are fuller now too. I used to be straight up and down. My body was just not finished developing in high school. College women might gain weight because their girlish bodies are becoming more womanly. You can tell a college woman from a high school girl because she looks like a adult.
     I know there will be as many development stories as there are people. Some girls are done growing in middle school; some women may find their hips widening in their mid-twenties. But it shouldn't be ignored that part of this weight gain is a completely normal and healthy part of growing up. What do you think?

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